Mastering Tornado Python: Your Comprehensive Tutorial for Building Web Applications by BlackCatDev

We imported the HelloWorld view from the file into at the top of the script. Then we added a list of route-view pairs as the first argument to the instantiation to Application. Whenever we want to declare a route in our application, it must be tied to a view.

  • 🗒 Note » You can find the complete code for “” via the following link.
  • Run the following command in the terminal to start the Tornado server.
  • On the other hand, the second class returns the rendered HTML page of “index.html”.
  • It has been gaining popularity lately and its use is spreading like wild fire, especially for web applications.

The only method in
Tornado that is safe to call from other threads is
IOLoop.add_callback. You can also use IOLoop.run_in_executor to
asynchronously run a blocking function on another thread, but note
that the function passed to run_in_executor should avoid
referencing any Tornado objects. Run_in_executor is the
recommended way to interact python tornado web server with blocking code. You can simply stop the Tornado ioloop from a signal handler. It should be safe thanks to add_callback_from_signal() method, the event loop will exit nicely, finishing any eventually concurrently running task. In this article, we will take a look at how a simple WebSocket server can be built in Python using Tornado.

Database connection pool issue with serverless lambda function

WebSockets are designed to be implemented in web browsers and servers, and is currently supported in all of the major web browsers. A connection is opened once and messages can travel back and forth multiple times before the connection is closed. In this article, Toptal engineer Jongwook Kim walks us through the process of implementing a simple WebSocket-based web application in Python using the Tornado web framework.

  • The TaskListView will handle GET requests for returning a list of tasks and POST requests for creating new tasks given some form data.
  • The results are shown for both running with and without the threading turned on.
  • Like with Flask, we’ll be using a framework-specific variant of SQLAlchemy called tornado-sqlalchemy.
  • The tornado-sqlalchemy package provides us with the as_future function.
  • For web development you should write mostly small chunks of procedural code, not object-oriented ones.

Here, managing things are easy, but creating new threads is too much overhead. Underline system-related construct that allows an application to get events on a file descriptor or I/O specific tasks. Let’s explore a few useful built-in functions that can be called programmatically inside any Python file.

I have created a simple example demonstrating a possible solution, but am curious to get feedback from the community on it. In addition to the decorator, @gen.coroutine can be replaced with the function definition as async def function_name()and yield can be replaced with await. Method must be executing something asynchronous in order to make the decorator meaningful.

This includes awaiting completely new inputs (e.g., HTTP requests) and handling the results of long-running processes (e.g., results of machine-learning algorithms, long-running database queries). The main program, while still single-threaded, becomes event-driven, triggered into action for specific occurrences handled by the program. The main worker that listens for those events and dictates how they should be handled is the I/O loop.

Thankfully, Tornado comes with that out of the box in the form of tornado.ioloop.IOLoop. Due to this, it can handle thousands of active server connections. It is a saviour for applications where long polling and a large number of active connections are maintained. This is mostly due to the fact that Node.js was built with JavaScript in mind. Node.js is not suited for Python, a language that has its roots in C and which is often used for scientific computations (numpy). Tornado, Python web framework, outperforms Node.js when it comes to handling real time applications.

Basics on Python Tornado (web server)

We’ll begin with the basics and progress to building a fully functional CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application, complete with detailed explanations and code snippets. One of the main advantages of the Tornado web framework is its built-in internationalization support. This allows developers to build multilingual web applications right away—without going through the hassle of installing other libraries or frameworks for internationalization. Web development frameworks provide a standard set of tools for quickly creating web apps, including everything from database support to user authentication. A web framework is a set of tools that helps you develop web applications more quickly. They ease the developer’s burden by providing a set of libraries that handle common tasks like data persistence, authentication, etc.


However, all the code here assumes Python 3, so the only strings that we want to work with are Unicode strings. We can add another method to this BaseView class whose job it will be to convert the incoming data to Unicode before using it anywhere else in the view. The set_default_headers method is declared, which sets the default headers of the outgoing HTTP response. We declare this here to ensure that any response we send back has a “Content-Type” of “application/json”. Alongside what we already know from habit, tornado-sqlalchemy provides an accessible async pattern for its database-querying functionality specifically to work with Tornado’s existing I/O loop.

Opening a WebSocket

Note that the
source distribution includes demo applications that are not present
when Tornado is installed in this way, so you may wish to download a
copy of the source tarball as well. It has been gaining popularity lately and its use is spreading like wild fire, especially for web applications. It is advertised as a very fast server side technology that uses less memory and handles high concurrency well. Unfortunately, it does not always perform as well as advertised. Flask is designed to build rapid development web applications.

Tornado i18n support

This code snippet shows how to upload a file in array buffer format. Everything else (e.g., database management and more views for a more complete app) is effectively the same as what we’ve already seen in the Flask and Pyramid apps. We still have to connect tornado-sqlalchemy to the actual application. In, we’ll be defining the database and integrating it into the application. Like with Flask, we’ll be using a framework-specific variant of SQLAlchemy called tornado-sqlalchemy. Because we’re looking to handle a GET request, we declare (really override) the get method.

It’s not based on WSGI, while it supports some features of WSGI using module `tornado.wsgi`. It uses an event loop design that makes Tornado request execution faster. The three slow requests take 2.5 seconds to complete in parallel – whereas in the non threaded case the three slow requests take about 3.5 seconds in total. So there is about 35% speed up overall (I assume due to multicore sharing).

Tornado and WebSockets

It is not based
on WSGI, and it is
typically run with only one thread per process. See the User’s guide
for more on Tornado’s approach to asynchronous programming. I have a class of GET requests which may take a significant amount of time to complete (think in the range of 5-10 seconds). The problem is that Tornado blocks on these requests so that subsequent fast requests are held up until the slow request completes.

Instead of returning anything, we provide text or a JSON-serializable object to be written to the response body with self.write. After that, we let the RequestHandler take on the rest of the work that must be done before a response can be sent. When my attention is fully necessary for prepping food, that’s all I’m doing. Because Tornado doesn’t require any external configuration, we can dive right into writing the Python code that’ll run our application.